Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Exoprosopini. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Ligyra 246066

Taxonomic Split 114472 (Submetido em 18-09-2022)

Adicionado(s) por yorkniu em 18 de setembro de 2022, 01:08 PM | Committed by yorkniu on 18 de setembro de 2022
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@zdanko Look this over? All New World Ligyra is supposed to have been moved to Nyia, so I created atlases for the genera so IDs can be changed. I hope I'm doing everything correctly...

Publicado por yorkniu mais de 1 ano antes

Yeah, this split looks good. Just remember to move the species also, if you hadn't done it already (I haven't checked).

Make sure the atlases include the entire range, not just where iNat observations are.

Publicado por zdanko mais de 1 ano antes

Yep, the atlas ranges are based on the Catalog.

Publicado por yorkniu mais de 1 ano antes

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