Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Viviparinae. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Viviparus 92811

Taxonomic Split 113820 (Submetido em 20-08-2022)

"The genus Viviparus as traditionally conceived, with both European and North American representatives, was recovered as polyphyletic. The North American species are more closely related to the American Tulotoma, and the European species more closely related to the Asian Rivularia. The genus-group name Callinina Thiele, 1931 (a replacement name for Callina Hannibal, 1912 non Lowe, 1855), with Viviparus intertextus (Say, 1829) as type species by typification of a replaced name, is available for the American species of Viviparus."

Swaps have already been done. This is to transfer North American genus IDs to Callinina.

Adicionado(s) por thomaseverest em 20 de agosto de 2022, 11:23 PM | Committed by thomaseverest on 20 de agosto de 2022
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