19 de maio de 2020

Sydney Naturalists Back Again!!

Hey there folks!

With this marathon lockdown drawing to a close, and normal life just around the corner, Sydney Naturalists will be starting up again next month. Make sure to put Sunday June 28th in your diary- I'll be sending more details very shortly. Hoping you are all well, and looking forward to meeting once more after such a long time!!

Make sure to keep checking out Facebook or Meetup groups for event listings when they happen.

Until then...

Posted on 19 de maio de 2020, 09:36 AM by elliotconnor elliotconnor | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

09 de fevereiro de 2020

Sydney Naturalists 2020 Update

Hey there folks!

So it's been a little while since I kept you all updated- my apologies. Having moved the management of our monthly meetings to MeetUp, I will no longer by regularly posting on the message board here. You can follow this link to join the group on our new site: https://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Naturalists/, or join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1704484059610519/.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for continuing to be part of this amazing project, and adding your observations towards the Sydney Naturalists cause. We've come so far in just a few years, and look to continue strong long into the future. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions for meeting spots, or other ideas do reach out. You can email me at elliotconnor@humannatureprojects.org or Whatsapp me on +61 424 200 249.

Posted on 09 de fevereiro de 2020, 07:14 PM by elliotconnor elliotconnor | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

16 de fevereiro de 2019

Sydney Naturalists Group Meetings

Greetings everyone,

Just a reminder that the Sydney Naturalists group is meeting on a monthly basis, usually on the last Sunday of every month. We are getting together to explore a local patch of bush or other habitat, sharing our interest in the natural world, and obviously recording all our finds. It would be great if more of you could come along- our next meeting is on Sunday 24th February (next Sunday!), when we'll be gathering at 26 Malga Avenue, Roseville Chase at 9:00 am for a walk around some mangroves with a shell expert from the Australian Museum.

Hoping to see you all then, and thank you once more for all your contributions to this awesome project!


P.S If you're interested in more regular updates about the group, I highly encourage that you check out our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1704484059610519/ , meetup page https://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Naturalists/events/ , or simply email me at elliotconnor212@yahoo.com.au and I'll add you to the mailing list.

Posted on 16 de fevereiro de 2019, 10:02 PM by elliotconnor elliotconnor | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

18 de abril de 2018

Sydney Naturalists Group

Greetings all,
I'm so pleased with the way this project is growing- we're so close to 700 species! Anyway, the bioblitz event I ran last weekend was a success; my thanks to smileynaomi for attending and bringing along a crowd to take part. Anyone who is interested in the results can visit the Ku-ring-gai Bioblitz Project on this site- we just made 100 species. Following on from this, I am hoping to get together a group of like-minded nature-enthusiasts from the Sydney area to form a 'Sydney Naturalists' club with a monthly meeting in one of several local national parks. The way I see it most existing nature clubs are intimidating, somewhat exclusive, cost to join, and do little in the way of field trips, so I hope to remove these problems with the new group I am making. We will meet on the last Sunday of every month, and if anyone is willing to help in organizing it, we will have a "committee meeting" on 24th May. Please help to spread the word about this exciting new project, and if you are interested, message me on iNaturalist or (preferably) email me at elliotconnor212@yahoo.com.au .


Posted on 18 de abril de 2018, 10:08 PM by elliotconnor elliotconnor | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

05 de março de 2018

Bioblitz weekend 14th-15th April

Greeting all,

Firstly, I'd like to say a big thanks to all of you who have signed up to and submitted observations to this project. It has now been going for almost six months, and the tally of observations and species recorded has certainly skyrocketed recently! To mark this occasion and make this project more tangible, I hope to organise a bioblitz in Ku-ring-gai National Park on the weekend of 14th-15th April. The aim will be to record as many observations and species as possible for the project over the two days, whilst hopefully learning about areas that are new to you (botany is still a goal for me) and meeting the other people who contribute to this project.
Please, if you are at all interested, email me at elliotconnor212@yahoo.com.au. It would be great if you could help to spread the word and get others involved in this too; if I get a good response from the members here, I will contact groups such as FATS, the Australian Herpetological Society, Birdlife Australia etc. to try to bolster our numbers.

Thanks once more for your support, and I hope to see as many of you as possible there!
(Click on the title of this feed to see all comments and replies)

Posted on 05 de março de 2018, 07:23 AM by elliotconnor elliotconnor | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário
