Socially Distant Bioblitz (9/6/2020)'s Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2020

02 de setembro de 2020

First Post

First off, congratulations on everyone who participated in the last Socially Distant Bioblitz! This bioblitz is only four days away! 84 people observed from 20 countries, submitting over 7k observations and over 2.5K species!
This bioblitz may be the last. Or maybe not. This bioblitz will have the same features as the last bioblitz, which includes certificates given by the next bioblitz, stat updates, leaderboards, milestones, and new countries/state updates. This time, if we can hit 10,000 observations and 100 observers, that would be great! We hope you have enjoyed all of the Socially Distant Bioblitzes so far.
If you are new, let me tell everyone about myself, and share some tips. If you have participated, welcome back!
My name is Robert Levy, and I am a 14 year old naturalist living on Long Island. I am relatively new to Inaturalist, and as of now, I have over 11,500 observations. I am an amateur in identifying certain organisms.
Newcomers to Inaturalist and the SDB´s are always welcome. Tell your family and friends to be a part of this wonderful community, and take pictures of their natural environment!
Next, for identifying organisms, YOU do not have to go to species every time. If you do not know what species it is, you can put it as "Dicots", or "Carnivores", for example. You can also tag a person that knows more. For example, you can tag me at @yayemaster, or tag another one of our admins which are as of now, @slamonde, @gpasch, or @alexis_orion
Finally, if you just take 1 photo, or if you take 1000, it still counts towards research purposes. For our newcomers, welcome to the Socially Distant Bioblitz series! And also welcome back for our returning bioblitzers!
One more thing. If you are up to the task, you can always ID our observations. Also, remember to not take pictures of CULTIVATED/CAPTIVE organisms. A follow up post later today will be made about that.

Posted on 02 de setembro de 2020, 12:06 PM by yayemaster yayemaster | 6 comentários | Deixar um comentário

03 de setembro de 2020

Casual Observations and Tips

Hello Bioblitzers!,
The bioblitz is in less than three days! However, there are some things that need to be addressed.
First, if you have an organism that falls in any of these categories, please OBSCURE the organism and all of your observations around them. These include:
Endangered plants, animals, fungi, etc.
Plants that are easily poached(Sundews(Drosera), orchids, pitcher plants(Sarracenia/Ńepenthes), etc)
Globally rare organisms - Endemic to a certain location, state, country, or world; declining rapidly, only found in a very specific kind of habitat
For animals, sanctuaries that are protected and where they have endangered animals
Locations that are not known to the public
Your house-if you want, or a friend or family member´s house
Next, if an organism is captive or cultivated, please mark Captive on the app/computer. These DO NOT count for the bioblitzes. Please be aware that if you take 100 pictures of your cute dogs and upload them, or 1000 pictures of the garden flowers around the neighborhood, they will not count towards the leaderboards and rankings. Examples of organisms that should be marked captive/cultivated are shown below.
Garden plants
Pets-no matter if it is exotic, native, or just a cute puppy.
Humans and human-made items
Trees planted by people
Seeds scattered by people that grow into plants
Vegetables/fruits in the supermarket that you did not witness being picked
Seafood and fish at your market that you did not witness being caught
Zoo animals
Specimens without date and time collected and location collected
Organisms that should NOT be marked captive/cultivated are shown below.
Wild organisms
Weeds in gardens
Escaped pets and zoo animals
Specimens that are marked with date, time, and location
Waifs- escaped garden plants(includes garden plants growing outside of the intended garden, growing in a different yard, growing in preserves, forests, swamps, etc.)
Hopefully this helps. Good Luck on the bioblitz!

Posted on 03 de setembro de 2020, 11:34 AM by yayemaster yayemaster | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário

05 de setembro de 2020

Nearly There!

Right now in Fiji, New Zealand, and Samoa, the clock has struck midnight for the 5th of September, and if there are observers there now that are mothing, they will have the first observations of the day! The first observations will be coming in later today! Good luck to all! Excited to see how well everyone participates and if anyone can grab 500 species!

Posted on 05 de setembro de 2020, 12:09 PM by yayemaster yayemaster | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário


It is now daylight in Japan, and the observations are still waiting on coming in! Hopefully, we can get 10k observations this bioblitz. There might be a certificate for the first person to reach 1500 observations, 500 species, and 1000 identifications. To all of you near the wildfires and heatwaves in California, stay safe! For all of you, remember to follow the WHO and CDC guidelines for COVID-19, which include social distancing-6 feet, and remembering to wear a mask indoors or when social distancing is compromised. Remember to stay safe, healthy, and observe as many species as you can!

Posted on 05 de setembro de 2020, 10:53 PM by yayemaster yayemaster | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

06 de setembro de 2020

It Has Started!

The first observation has came in by @helik7 from Olomouc, Czechia. The observation? A simple Muscinae fly. Congratulations for having the first observation!

Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 12:29 AM by yayemaster yayemaster | 2 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Project Update

The Bioblitz is well under way and the first observations are coming in from Germany and South Korea.
Here are some awesome Moths that have been posted already:
A crazy Acropteis iphiata from @onidiras -
and a Featured Gothic from @amzamz -
Happy Blitzing :)

Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 05:50 AM by alexis_orion alexis_orion | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Just over 300 observations so far....

Exploring with the scent of fresh gardenias in my nostrils and spying an orchard spider for my first observation today! The mothers have been busy @amzamz and @mkkennedy.

We crossed the 330 observations mark . Check out this lovely plume moth by @mkkennedy from Canada
or this beautiful Oskeckia stellata from @karoconniff in Nepal and @mkkennedy Agelenoponis at

Keep them coming in all. I can't wait to see what beauties we discover today!

Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 10:53 AM by magichin magichin | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Mosses, lichens and fungi!!

Bioblitzers observations at over370 now.

Check out these mosses, lichens and fungi everyone!
Kudos to @jensu in Sweden for (true mosses) class Bryopsida (shield lichens)

And to @karoconniff in Nepal for Baorangia bicolor fungus

Keep them coming.

Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 11:16 AM by magichin magichin | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Crossed the 560 mark

As expected the plants and insect observations dominate observations so far. We have
564 observations from
16 observers and
378 species so far.

Check out
@onidiras obs of this white eyebrowed jumping spider
@yayemaster cross orbweaver
@hlpvdv pearl moth
@cecileroux garden snail
@nick2524 common selfheal


Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 12:39 PM by magichin magichin | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Our 600th observation for the bioblitz!

This honor goes to @amzamz for his sighting of the lesser meadow katydid, check it out at


Posted on 06 de setembro de 2020, 12:52 PM by magichin magichin | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
