25 de outubro de 2020

Anyone want to help out with a research project?

I’ve mentioned it before, but Natural NC is acting as a case study for an NSF funded research project looking at embedded assessments in citizen science projects. As part of this project, we are developing a survey that will be used as part of upcoming training programs to assess skills we would like for participants to develop through participation in Natural NC. The first survey didn’t work as expected to assess the skills of interest, so we have a new survey that we are testing. Would any of you be willing to help us test it by taking it? If so, you can find it here:


The survey will take 5-10 minutes. Once we have a final survey in place, it will become a part of a new training program that I'm developing for this project to get more people involved.

Thanks, everyone, for your continued participation in Natural North Carolina!

Posted on 25 de outubro de 2020, 02:06 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

11 de outubro de 2019

Help grow Natural NC!

Hey everyone!

Natural NC is acting as a case study for an NSF funded research project looking at embedded assessments in citizen science projects. As part of this project, we are developing a survey that will be used as part of upcoming training programs that assess skills we would like for participants to develop through participation in Natural NC. We have a survey that we are testing currently. Would any of you be willing to take it to help us improve it in future iterations by taking it? If so, you can find it here:


The survey will take 5-10 minutes and includes three pages of really simple questions. Once we have a final survey in place, it will become a part of a new training program that I'm developing for this project to get more people involved.

Thanks, everyone, for your continued participation in Natural North Carolina! Look for more activities, more training, and more communications related to this project coming in 2020!

Posted on 11 de outubro de 2019, 04:00 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

07 de março de 2019

Meetup during CSA 2019!


I wanted to let you all know that there's going to be a meetup of iNaturalist users, enthusiasts, and supporters during the Citizen Science Association conference in Raleigh next week! You'll have a chance to meet up with iNaturalist staff and educators and chat over beers. You're invited to join us! The details:

Wednesday, March 13
Crank Arm Brewing
319 W Davie St
Raleigh, NC 27601

To get a sense of attendance, please RSVP on this brief form if you'd like to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzNMW7ixOnFXqs76ymT02dZsilq_YHcMoXrvlQFyQGKwcpSw/viewform

Please join us there if you can!


@coatlicue, @caroline322, @bonnieeamick, @caw33iii, @scadwell, @bertonemyia, @jtuttle, @woodlandwonders, @bluecrab2, @whiteoak, @duncan_fraser, @kimsharp, @sandydurso, @stephanieavett, @janie41348, @miaofang, @pamela28, @mukky1, @atencza, @chiroptera17, @elscott6, @jbrowndorf, @dd27511, @sarah327, @katihenderson, @museumwebbie, @jtredway, @lexiejust, @bradleysaul, @mardons, @dlewis, @scottie2, @allison_c, @ryannrossi, @liz81, @dcurrie, @hurricanenoelle, @janice25, @rvcumbie, @world2share, @andrew38, @ditchontologist, @bethwaldron, @andreastewart, @ealandi2, @kaciccone, @rlephoto, @ben1818, @megsclass, @sestroff, @courtney44, @maggierose22, @aredoubles, @kbacke, @bobadex, @mizpatina, @mkosiewski, @sunshine105, @boabernathy, @cjfaulk, @diptera, @zzbird44, @piedmontwildlifecenter, @liani_yirka, @mattlikestrees, @potatochip123, @jcb5600, @knwinningham, @magmamay, @srjolly, @masoderstrom, @kseigel, @annowithalexo, @emangell, @masdawg2004, @oceanlover2332, @allen_boynton, @nashepard, @angela72, @cotinis, @dc_chadwick, @vlm13, @ash2016, @jrexplorer, @lorises, @michmaas, @tallastro, @willc95, @kati, @johnnybirder, @jstanley, @wolfhoundgirl, @gparkins, @milopyne, @bluets15, @tybstar, @rcarroll, @caw33iii, @etantrah, @kiehl0rmond, @jamelamoroso, @wmsily, @camcc, @spohlman, @ggpauly, @gwoods1022, @jkspooner, @ungberg, @twotalonsup

Posted on 07 de março de 2019, 03:13 AM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 3 comentários | Deixar um comentário

12 de janeiro de 2017

Documenting Nature in 2017

Hello Natural North Carolinians!

It's been a while since I said it, but THANK YOU all for participating in this project. 2016 was our best year yet as we doubled the number of contributors and added over 7000 observations to the project. That almost doubled the number of observations that had been made the previous two years combined! So thank you so much for your continued participation in Natural North Carolina. This project doesn't work without YOUR help - we literally can't do it without you!

A few updates! First, I'm setting a goal of 25,000 observations by the end of 2017. That's about 9000 observations for the year. I think we can do it, so keep submitting your observations to help us reach the goal!

Second, the second annual NC Statewide Bioblitz is coming up in April, so be on the lookout for more information about that. As we did last year, we'll have prizes for the top contributors in the state and are competing to see which nature centers can document the most biodiversity in their areas. I'll keep you posted as dates of various events are chosen, but if you're in the Triangle area, we're competing in the City Nature Challenge this year April 14-17 and will have our local event that weekend. Not only will we be competing against other areas in the state, but we'll be competing against other cities across the country to see who can document the most biodiversity. We can win this!! We're having a few public events related to this nationwide event at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. You can join us in downtown Raleigh on April 14 or at Prairie Ridge Ecostation on April 15 to get involved- or participate anywhere else in the Triangle that suits your fancy. At either Museum event, you can learn more about this project, what we've learned so far, and make some observations outdoors. The event at Prairie Ridge will include guided walks and we'll have a lot of resources available to help you ID things while you're there. I'll also be hosting a few "how to" sessions both days that will walk people who are new to the project through the smartphone app and website, so feel free to recruit new people! The City Nature Challenge is a GREAT time for them to get involved as it gives us a better chance to beat the other cities that are participating.

And finally, I'm planning to start a Facebook page soon to highlight some of the great observations you all are making. The page will feature news and project updates as well as observations of the week. I'll let you know here when that's online. I hope it will add an extra element to the project and will help get more people involved!

Thanks again for all the hard work you have put into this project already! I am looking forward to 2017 and the amazing things we can accomplish to document North Carolina's amazing biodiversity - together!

Posted on 12 de janeiro de 2017, 07:36 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

29 de agosto de 2015

Keep Up the Good Work!

Hello Natural North Carolina participants!

Just wanted to check in and say thank you to everyone who has participated so far. We've now got over 7300 observations! I hope that you are all enjoying being a part of this project and will keep making submissions. Over time, we are building a fantastic resource for everyone in North Carolina, an atlas of the life in our state so that we can track changes in species distributions over time, make more detailed species maps throughout the state, and create a field guide to NC life so that people can ID the things they find. You're helping make this possible and I thank you!

You may have noticed that there's been a bit of change happening on the leaderboard recently. The NC Arboretum in Asheville has started using Natural NC in a lot of their programs, so look for them to start moving up the ranks quickly. Also, there have been a lot of new sightings at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences that we're working to upload now. We've been training teachers, environmental educators, and citizen scientists throughout the state to get involved in citizen science through Natural NC and we've had a boost in participation from that as well.

I personally encourage everyone to try to knock me off the leaderboard! I have been #3 for a long time, but I hope someone will move past me and take one of the top three spots.

As a non-native to this state, I am constantly impressed by the wealth of biodiversity we have in this gorgeous, amazing place! Your photos and sightings are a total eye opener to me and I am so thrilled that you are all a part of this. Thank you!


Posted on 29 de agosto de 2015, 05:03 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

29 de agosto de 2014

We've reached 2000 observations!

Thanks to your help, we recently topped 2000 observations in the Natural North Carolina project! You all are doing an amazing job helping the NC Museum of Natural Sciences document all the plants, animals, and fungi in North Carolina. I, for one, really enjoy getting to see what your have been finding throughout the state! It's great fun seeing bears in Pocosin or salamanders from the Smokies, the things I rarely get to see in person myself. I am living vicariously through your sightings!

I have started showing off a collection of photos from miscellanous sightings you all have made when I promote citizen science at events throughout North Carolina. I wish you could see the way people pore over your sightings and ooh and ahh over the amazing things you've documented. I wish you could see all the kids who point to a photo and breathlessly say, "Wow... We have those here?!" Thanks to your efforts, these people are getting to see, sometimes for the first time, just how incredibly diverse our wonderful state is. YOU are making that happen, and it's am amazing thing.

Thank you all so much for your help with this project so far. I hope you'll continue adding your observations well into the future so that we can build something amazing - together!

Posted on 29 de agosto de 2014, 05:32 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

10 de maio de 2014


Welcome to everyone who has participated in Natural North Carolina so far! We really appreciate your efforts to help us document every species of plant, animal, and fungus in the state. We are nearing 650 sightings - and we hope to top 1000 soon! Invite a friend to participate, or just get out there and take some photos - YOU will help us make something great!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Posted on 10 de maio de 2014, 06:41 PM by chrisgoforth chrisgoforth | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário