Arquivos de periódicos de abril 2020

28 de abril de 2020

20,000 Observations!

Hi all,

It looks like we just hit 20,000 feather observations in the Found Feathers project! I am just absolutely stunned by the amount of enthusiasm for feather finding and identification that I have encountered on iNaturalist, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you observers and identifiers who support this project with your time, expertise, and feathers. We've certainly come a long way together since I created this project back in 2017--I have personally grown so much in my identification ability from having all your observations to practice with, and I know that many of you have been able to do the same :)

I won't write this too long, but I just want to establish that while I may have started this project, every single one of you is responsible for getting us to where we are today. I can only hope that this project is as much of a boon to you as it has been to me.

Thank you to everyone, and happy feather finding!

Posted on 28 de abril de 2020, 04:47 PM by featherenthusiast featherenthusiast | 8 comentários | Deixar um comentário
