Arquivos de periódicos de junho 2011

15 de junho de 2011

Hiking Today

Went hiking on part of the Mason Dixon Trail today with my wife. At 600ft there was a Bald Eagle that flew over us but gave me no opportunity to photograph it, so disappointed! But got some other cool photos. Did a walk around the Mt. Rose Cemetary in York, PA later today and got some more good photos. I was as close as you can get to taking a photo of a fox before it disappeared! Stupid auto-focus! Did get my first Deer photograph as I was driving home from York today. It was grazing out in a farm field so I pulled off the road and got some nice distant shots with my 300mm lens.

Posted on 15 de junho de 2011, 02:10 AM by wabbytwax wabbytwax | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
