Fotos / Sons




Dezembro 16, 2010


New Zealand has two morphologically different leaf spot species on Hebe, with different sequences. Septoria exotica on lesions 1-3mm, pale grey necrotic centre, with sharply defined margin, conidia hyaline, 20-30um x wide (reference sequences KF251418 Boesewinkel, 1977; OL653047=ICMP23744, Cooper, 2020) .

Pseudophaeophleospora atkinsonii larger lesions 3-8mm diam, brown and less sharply defined margins, conidia yellowish-brown and 25-45 x 2.5um (reference sequence GU214643=ICMP 17860, Hill 2013).

Septoria exotica was described by Spegazzini from a garden plant in Buenos Aries of the New Zealand plant Hebe speciosa, and he comments the species is common in Europe. The New Zealand version might be different but it seems likely we exported Septoria exotica with the host plants in cultivation to Europe and South America.

Pseudophaeospora atkinsonii is one of a number of phylogenetically related endophytes that are commonly isolated in Hebe, Coprosma, Kunzea. They often appear when trying to isolate leaf spot fungi of different species.

In a recent paper ...
They synonimise Pseudophaeophleospora atkinsonii with Septoria exotica on the basis of ICMP 17860 which was always identified as P. atkinsonii. There is no real substantiating evidence. The two species are not synonyms! A similar error was made with Mycospharella coacervata.

Fotos / Sons


Vida (Vida)




Março 24, 2024 01:48 PM +1345


Possibly - a suggestion from a Slime Mold person (Carol Selter) (I had thought it might be a slime mold). Seen once. Noted on bryophyte turf amongst Sporadanthus traversii / Dracophyllum traversii in restiad / heath peat bog. Assumed fruiting bodies pinkish grey, 'worm-like' sausages, moderately firm to touch (structures up to 40 mm diameter but usually less). Associated with abundant Lichenomphalia "Otira Gorge". Specimens collected.