Otty Lake's Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de março 2022

12 de março de 2022

Signs of spring

Looks like we have at least one more snowstorm before the spring weather sets in but we are already seeing signs of the changing season. We had our first grackles visit the deck today and some folks around the lake have noticed a change in birds at their feeders. Finches will be heading north and our migrants should be returning soon. Let’s document the first of the season. Has anyone noticed leaf buds forming? In another month spring ephemerals will be appearing. Who will be the first to hear a loon call or a kingfisher rattle? By documenting these events we can contribute to our knowledge of climate change and note the impacts on Otty Lake.

Posted on 12 de março de 2022, 12:16 AM by trichodezia trichodezia | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário