Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2021

27 de setembro de 2021

Seeking in Shanghai

During my first Seek experience, I found various species just in one park in the concrete jungle that is Shanghai. It taught me that even in the busiest cities, we still coexist with many fascinating species and we should continue to preserve some natural land for them. It amazed me on how much biodiversity there was in such a small space in the middle of a city. The potential for nature thriving is immense, even in a park. I managed to discover a handful of species in just half a day going across half the park.

Out of my thirty-something observations, I decided to research more about the Yellow-Spotted Stink Bug. I learned that this insect is a hard shelled insect, and is part of the subfamily Pentatominae. Observations of these insects peak during the summer, then plummet down to close to zero during the latter months. This implies that these insects only are present during the summer and hibernate during the winter. This was just one of the many species I observed that day. However, these species might all disappear one day.

Our Earths condition is rapidly deteriorating. Us humans don't make animals' lives easier. In fact, we often times make it significantly harder for them. In the end, the Earth doesn't need us; but we need the Earth. If we hadn't existed, there wouldn't have been damage to the ozone layer, or massive amounts of carbon dioxide let into our atmosphere along with the harmful toxic waste being poured into our oceans. We need to prove to the Earth that we can do good, not only for the sake of our species staying on the planet, but for others too.

Posted on 27 de setembro de 2021, 01:12 AM by saspd_haohan_w saspd_haohan_w | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
