Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2021

26 de setembro de 2021

First Nature Walk (9/26/21)

Today I went for a late afternoon walk through the Pine Tree Preserve and around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. It was sunny and there was a cool breeze. I really enjoyed this walk because it felt the coolest it has been outside since we arrived on campus this year and it was nice to clear my head and observe the nature around me since I have been spending a lot of time studying for my upcoming exams. I did not see many flowers, but I saw a lot of weeds around the reservoir and a lot of fungi in the Pine Tree Preserve. I also saw a ducks, swans, and geese in the water.

Posted on 26 de setembro de 2021, 11:40 PM by martafi martafi | 7 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
