Arquivos de periódicos de setembro 2021

27 de setembro de 2021

Spider Flower (Cleome)

A Spider Flower is named after its appearance. The long, thread-like stamens of the individual flowers and the elongate seedpods that develop below the blooming flowers. It's scientific name, Cleome hassleriana, is a type of species of 170 in the caper family. It is a common annual flower from South America that also goes by other common names including spider legs and grandfather’s whiskers. This flower grows very tall, from a small seed to strong stems up to 6 feet tall from a stout taproot. There are also pricks on the main stem of the flower, as well as a pair of small spiny stipules at the base of each leaf. Some people even say the flower produces a minor skunk-like smell. This also makes me wonder, how this scent is produced and possibly why the scent is produced.

Posted on 27 de setembro de 2021, 03:57 AM by aidan01pd2026 aidan01pd2026 | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Global Citizen Connections To Nature

As we all know, being a Global Citizen means to be able to take action to try solving the problems that we have in our World. It means to understand the perspectives of not only ourselves, not only of others, but also plants. As we also know, people are harming the environment in ways that are irreversible and that could impact our future forever. Some of this includes deforestation, littering and causing pollution. If we continue at thew way we are going now, our environment could be heavily damaged, and Nature can die. So, we need to understand the meaning of being a global citizen to save our Earth. We need to understand the importance and the benefits we get from the environment. So, if we become true global citizen, we would have a chance of saving our earth, to see flowers bloom, to see trees grow, and much more.

Posted on 27 de setembro de 2021, 04:09 AM by aidan01pd2026 aidan01pd2026 | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
