Seining Fort DeSoto

On Saturday, September 22, we will have a seine netting trip at Fort DeSoto park in Saint Petersburg. The park has both sand flats and seagrass, so we should be able to come up with quite a diversity of fish. Historically, we have collected seahorses, pipefish, stingrays, pufferfish, and a multitude of other really cool critters at this location.

Pufferfish by Nils

The net we plan to use is a seine net 50 feet long, and about 5 feet tall. It takes at least three people to pull the net properly, and works a lot better with at least six. Typically, we drag one end away from the beach, and then loop it back to corral the fish. We then pull the net completely back to shore, capuring most of the fish in the sampling area. Then, we can have a good look at them, photograph the fish, and release them back into the water. I'll be bringing some tanks for temporary holding and photography.

Redfin Needlefish by Nils

We will leave from SCA around 8:30 am, getting us on site by 9:30. By carpooling from USF we can save on tolls and parking fees. We will be fishing on the North Beach. Everyone present will need a saltwater fishing license (the shoreline license is free to anyone with a Florida driver's license). We have to be strict about enforcing this for legal reasons. Bring clothes that can get wet and dirty, and good water shoes if you plan on pulling the net. Hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses are a good idea.

For more information on Florida fishing licenses:

As before, we will be having a pot-luck lunch after seining. David will, as usual, supply cups/plates/utensils.

Posted on 10 de setembro de 2018, 03:46 PM by durieudm durieudm


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