

Eldorado National Forest Guides

Hello Everyone,

I have made a few guides for the ENF that can be downloaded directly to your phone and used without internet connection. These guides are not all encompassing but rather focus on the species that are either federally listed as Threatened and Endangered, state listed species of concern, or are forest sensitive species, or are invasive species.

I am working on a guide for aquatic macroinvertebrates that will show immature stages that can predate on amphibians, or macroinvertebrates that are of interest to forest biologists. For the latter we are just looking for presence or absence and not identification of these to species.

If I update these guides in the future I will let you know that way you can download newer versions as they occur.
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Posted on 24 de maio de 2018, 06:21 PM by enfherps enfherps | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

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Amphibian Watch is a citizen scientist based initiative for the Eldorado National Forest (ENF). This program aims at expanding our geographical knowledge of forest threatened and endangered amphibians. This is an opportunity for citizens of all ages to experience the ENF from a “frogs-eye” view. While this project aims to gather data on threatened and endangered species, we also hope that ...mais ↓

enfherps criou este projecto em 24 de maio de 2018
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