5-19-19 Rock Cut State Park Species List and Summary

Today, my mom and I decided to take an early morning walk at Rock Cut State Park. Our birding friends out at Sand Bluff Bird Observatory call it "Warbler Nirvana" in the springtime, so we had to check it out. We arrived early at 10:00 AM to some foggy skies and about 70 degree weather. Our friend had told us that the Puree Path was the best place to see warblers, so we went there first. We ran into a man named Scott who set us on the hot spot for the birds. The air almost smelled like birds. We saw 6 species of warbler, and 8 other species! It was am amazing birding day, topped off with ice cream in the cafe watching rain pour down in sheets outside. Our total list includes-
2 Blackburnian Warblers
2 Blackpoll Warblers
3 Yellow Warblers
2 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers
1 Yellow-Rumped Warbler
1 Magnolia Warbler
2 Scarlet Tanagers
3 Turkey Vultures
2 Wild Turkeys
1 Blue Jay
10 Canada Geese
1 Bay-Breasted Warbler
5 Brown-Headed Cowbirds
1 Song Sparrow
I had a great time today, and I will be back soon!
Gracie McMahon

Posted on 18 de agosto de 2019, 01:02 PM by sandbluff sandbluff


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