Winter Ecology ESCollege Bird Observation/Data

Date: 1/21/23
Time: 8:23 am- 4:36 pm
Temperature: 33, Wind 4, Precipitation 20%, Humidity 76%
Location: Mattydale New York
*Bluejay's: 3 blue jay's eating my bird food today. 1st 1 in a distant tree branch, calling others. They 1 by 1 watch for a while, than swoop down very quickly to eat than fly back to a very high tree branch.
*Mourning dove's: Seen in groups of around 11. Sitting in the tree most of the day, appear to feel safe in the environment and take their time to eat.
*Sparrow's: Seen in large groups, eat and fly in large groups.
*Starling's: Seen in very large groups, fly and eat all together in large groups.
*Woodpecker's: Seen 3 woodpecker's, 2 were adults with stripe on the back of their heads, 1 was a young child. They peck at the trees. They did eat 1 time very quickly from bird suet and seeds.
*Female Cardinal: Seen around 4pm alone, in a tree. She ate quickly and flew away.
*Crow: Seen 1, calling others, seen a few more top of the trees flying around.

Posted on 22 de janeiro de 2023, 01:54 AM by envirolawgal envirolawgal


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