gray dogwood

Cornus racemosa

Identification of C. racemosa in Manitoba 1

  • a shrub 2 - 3 meters tall
  • leaves opposite
  • bark smooth, gray
  • fruit white. The panicle stalks holding the berries turn bright red, contrasting sharply with the grey bark of the branches.

In Manitoba, only C. sericea also has white fruit but that plant has red rather than gray bark.

Where does it grow? 1

In Manitoba, the plant is not commonly found. Look for it in deciduous forests of southern Manitoba.

References 1

  • Budd, A.C.; Looman, J., Best, K.F., Budd's Flora of the Canadian Prairie Provinces, 1979 Ottawa
  • Scoggan, H.J, Flora of Manitoba, 1957 Ottawa

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Mary Krieger, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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