Water Buffalo

Bubalus bubalis/arnee

Original range and subspecies 3

Two species related to the domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalus) used to occur in the western Palearctic. The extinct European water buffalo (Bubalus murrensis ) and the wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee ) that is still extant in Asia today and probably the ancestor of the domesticated form.

Reintroduction efforts so far 4

Domestic water buffalo have been used in a number of natural grazing projects, sometimes in semi-wild herds. No free-ranging wild populations currently exist.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Nicolas Olejnik, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Nicolas Olejnik
  2. (c) Stan van Remmerden, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Stan van Remmerden
  3. Adaptado por Stan van Remmerden de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubalus_bubalis
  4. (c) Stan van Remmerden, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Ecological niche Large Herbivore
Region Europe - Central, Europe - Southeastern, Europe - Western, Middle East - Levant
Status in w palearctic 1% or less of original range
Z ecotourism potential 3