Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome Project - a year in review

Hi everybody,

We hope everyone is keeping safe and relatively dry in these adverse conditions.

We are very excited to announce our 'year in review' report is completed, which can now be found on our website : https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/our-research/research-areas/veterinary-science/lorikeet-paralysis-syndrome-project.html#:~:text=Lorikeet%20Paralysis%20Syndrome%20(LPS)%20is,happening%20between%20December%20and%20February.

Simply click on the box called 'Year in Review' on the right hand side of the webpage. We would like to reiterate how important your observations have been to the study, and how we need you to redouble your efforts this next year as the study is not yet complete, and all the new data you provide is extremely important and valuable.

A huge congratulations to everyone for making this year a success.

Keep safe and Happy Rainbow Lorikeet spotting!

Lauren, David, Maya

Posted on 07 de julho de 2022, 11:30 PM by lozb97 lozb97


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