Exciting opportunity for our Citizen Scientists

Hi Everyone,

This week we have been in contact with Ayla who is looking at writing an article about the Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome project and wants to hear from you, our citizen scientists!

"Hi everyone! My name is Ayla and I’m a writer working on a long-form feature article about the rainbow lorikeet paralysis project, and why it is a great example of citizen science in action. Aside from interviewing the wonderful researchers working on this, I’m hoping to speak to a couple of participants in the iNaturalist project. I’ll ask questions about why you wanted to participate in this project, any other iNaturalist projects you’re involved in, and how the experience has been so far. I’d also love to hear your stories about rainbow lorikeets in general!

If you’d be happy to speak, I’d love to hear from you. Please contact me and we can set up a phone or zoom call. My email is: anorris.smith@gmail.com.

Thank you!

Please feel free to get in touch with Ayla, it would be invaluable to hear from you!

Have a lovely week and happy Rainbow lorikeet spotting!

Kind regards,
Lauren, David, Maya

Posted on 28 de abril de 2022, 11:41 PM by lozb97 lozb97


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