Goal for the start of 2022

Hi Everyone!

We hope everyone has had a lovely holidays and is ready for 2022!

Currently we have 95 members taking part in the project. This week our goal is to reach over 100 members. Do you have friends and family that have lorikeets visiting their backyard? Or do they like to go on walks around the neighbourhood? Maybe they simply like solving mysteries like the rest of us!

Why not introduce them to iNaturalist and our Lorikeet Paralysis team. The more lorikeet spotters like you, the more observations we can add to our project, and the closer we will come to finding answers.

For newcomers, helpful tips and tricks on how to use iNaturalist and contribute to the project can be found through these links:



Stay safe and Happy Rainbow Lorikeet spotting!

Lauren, David, Maya

Posted on 19 de janeiro de 2022, 03:16 AM by lozb97 lozb97


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