Alien invasive species are a threat worldwide. Every year new species start to go wild.

This project aims to detect species in the early stage of their invasion, preferably while still ruderal, and eliminate them.

This project feeds into the National Aliens Project, as well as active Programmes in the City of Cape Town and Ithekwini (Durban).

Anyone is welcome to use it for any alien species that they do not recognize as part of a national clearing programme, or that they want to bring to the attention of the authorities.

This is a southern African Project

National -
Cape Town: Broken
Durban: Long broken

Posted on 13 de outubro de 2017, 11:05 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


I joined this project to add species to bring to SANBI's attention, but in some cases we have already largely cleared the invasion, so the fields are no longer applicable. How do I proceed?

Publicado por jane_trembath mais de 6 anos antes

You fill in the fields. mentioning the original numbers and the current status.

Alien size: (AEDRR) - was 5m but after clearing the plants are only 2m tall
Alien density: (AEDRR) - Dense
Alien numbers: (AEDRR)- was 1000s of plants but now only a few 100 after clearing.

Publicado por tonyrebelo mais de 6 anos antes

It seems that this project is misunderstood and people are adding observations of species already categorised as invasive. Perhaps they are thinking it is for small populations of a weed and not an uncategorised species.

Publicado por jane_trembath mais de 3 anos antes

Will have a look. But it is OK to use the project for local instances of more common aliens where local control or extirpation is desired.

It is also OK to use it to document numbers and threats - for instance for pioritizing alien clearing or manage a clearing programme. But such projects are best managed on their own, although of course it would make sense to use the same observation fields and not create new ones just for the sake of doing so.

Publicado por tonyrebelo mais de 3 anos antes

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