
Entrou: 24 de jan. de 2020 Última vez ativo: 08 de jun. de 2024 iNaturalist

Hello there! I'm in love with nature. I absolutely love to go outside everyday to see what new creatures and plants I can find. Two years ago I took a biology class and I got to see the world in a different way. Last year I took a marine biology course and it was so cool! My main interest and knowledge are in herpetology, ornithology, and all-around marine. It blows my mind when I look at all of the amazing organisms that are out there.

Living in Central Texas has brought me to appreciate reptiles, especially snakes, rather than fear them, and I often find myself holding them (only the small, safe ones of course. Personally, though, I believe the bigger the spiny lizard the better.). I've also learned how to identify just about every native snake where I live. I love iNat because I get to share my love of nature with the world.

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