Arquivos de periódicos de dezembro 2019

20 de dezembro de 2019

INat's "Year in Review" Feature

The "year in review" for each participant here on iNaturalist is a neat feature. Love the collage of photos.

Should break 2,000 for the calendar year, insh'allah. Got 100+ observations from June-July still not uploaded and there are a lot of new birds to see here in the bleak of winter, and another Christmas Bird Count comes up in a week at White River Lake. Happy Solstice btw,

Numbers are not the point, but they are a game within the game and motivating in themselves. For over 2 months this year I posted hardly an observation, can't say exactly why, general funk related to health perhaps, accidie or creeping apathy in all things, but I am back in the game slower but steady.

Posted on 20 de dezembro de 2019, 07:33 AM by thebark thebark | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário