09 de março de 2023

Unable to look of all observations of a species.

Take, for example, Macrolepiota zeyheri which has two varieties telosa and zeyheri. But observations have not recorded the variety. This is common that subspecies are often ignored. The problem that it is is hard to see the observations of the species. OK you can through the observations but this is harder.

The solution allows you to pass through all the species irrespective of the parts. This should be an option.


Posted on 09 de março de 2023, 04:11 PM by peterrwarren peterrwarren | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

05 de junho de 2018

iNat is making the difference

We looked at the flower with measles making very little progress in its ID, and idly flipping through the guidebooks helped but little. It was time for a more systematic approach. First, we looked in the Plant Families guide (GPFSA) and concluded it could be Group 4, and then it is possible it might be Buchu (RUTACEAE). Back to the guidebooks Manning: Fynbos being the most useful and worked through that family: promising but not conclusive. The next step was to search for RUTACAE in the Baviaanskloof in iNat. It turned out that there were observations of Agathosma by Mr Fab (ably assisted by the lady in the red dress no doubt) and Nicky which fitted leaves and flowers exactly. Bingo.

Without iNat and its searching, a mapping features we would not have got there. Needless to say, the paper-based resources also played a role. A treasure hunt with a happy ending.

Posted on 05 de junho de 2018, 05:42 PM by peterrwarren peterrwarren | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
